Opinion Research Services

Opinion Research Services is an independent social research practice that works across the UK.

ORS was founded as a social research organisation within the University of Wales Swansea in 1988. After 10 years, ORS became a University spin-out company and since then has retained its research orientation while developing a UK-wide reputation. 95% of our work is for the public sector and we have a social (rather than market) research orientation.

ORS seek to maintain academic excellence through:
  • Distinctive and rigorous research
  • Reliable evidence and insights
  • Honest advice and a relationship of trust
  • Excellent value for money

ORS works with the public, voluntary and private sectors in areas of research that cover a wide range of social issues such as community safety, housing, health and many other local priorities

Our permanent research team delivers a full range of research services including personal and telephone interviews, postal and online surveys, and extensive qualitative engagement.

ORS is able to undertake the largest and most technical quantitative studies while also having the expertise, interest and resources to undertake far more specialised qualitative projects.

ORS comprises a full multi-disciplinary Research Team of colleagues, all of whom have a serious interest in social research and are committed to bringing rigorous statistical and IT methods to bear on important social issues. We are not a loosely organised group of associates or external consultants, but a permanent team committed to the long-term excellence of our work.

Our staff cover the whole range of social studies disciplines and also statistical and econometric analysis, and database design and management. Our expertise covers statistics, census and other data analysis, project management, computer programming, software development, housing strategy and management, economics, psychology, philosophy and politics. In addition, our Business Team has extensive business experience.

We maintain our own permanent Operations Team in order to offer good value and quality control. 

We directly manage an independent team of experienced field interviewers and are able to deliver projects across the UK. Our social research operations centre has the technology to manage all forms of data collection, including electronic capture of postal questionnaires and CATI systems with capacity to deliver over 70,000 telephone interviews annually.

  • Telephone Supervisors: 3
  • Stations with CATI: 30
  • Telephone interviewers: 90
  • Field interviewers: 50
  • Field Locations: All across UK

Contact Details

Opinion Research Services
The Strand

For all enquiries, please telephone the main switchboard number from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. +44 (0) 1792 535300
[email protected]

Key People:

Stella Williams
Head of Administration
+44 (0) 1792 535309
[email protected]

Leanne Hurlow
Fieldwork Manager
+44 (0) 1792 535309
[email protected]

To apply for a position at ORS, please either complete and send us our application form which you can find on our website www.ors.org.uk or your CV to the following email addresses:

Fieldwork Interviewer
[email protected]

Telephone Interviewer
[email protected]

All other positions
[email protected]

You can also post your application form or CV to: Opinion Research Services, The Strand, Swansea, SA1 1AF

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