Perspective Research Services is the preferred data supplier for leading market research companies of every size. We offer top quality service, speedy turnaround times and our famous ‘can-do’ approach to the toughest assignments. And we’ve been around for 15 years so we have staying power.
We offer our clients one of the largest independent call centre operations in the UK. Our researchers are skilled in all interviewing techniques, from a five minute telephone questionnaire to 30 minute tele-depth interviews, UK and internationally. We operate state-of-the-art facilities and 120 stations across London. We bring experience of every data collection methodology to meet any market research challenge: business or consumer, UK or international, qualitative or quantitative, telephone, face-to-face, or online.
We view our client relationships as partnerships, enabling us to support you through all stages of the project. We thrive on tight project criteria and deadlines, and we pride ourselves on our quality. To prove it, we are accredited under the ISO 20252 standard.
- Telephone Supervisors: 13
- Stations with CATI: 120
- Telephone interviewers: 200
- CATI system used: Quancept
- Face to face interviewers: 450
- Supervisors: 24
- Recruiters: 50
- First Contact Name: Andrew Davies
- First Contact Title: Quality Controller
- First Contact Number: 0207 4909 164
- Second Contact Name: Tom Stacey
- Second Contact Title: Operations Director
- Second Contact Number: 0207 4909 107